Green Cover Seed offers custom blending of cover crops and intercrop mixes, grazing blends, wildlife plots, pollinator blends, and bulk orders of specialty seeds. We offer assistance in building a custom mix and a centralized location to help save on shipping costs. They can ship your seed in 50# bags, totes, or even semi-loads direct to your farm if you have the storage capability. Start improving soil health, crop yields, and grazing gains today with a custom blend from Green Cover Seed!

Get started with a custom blend using Green Cover's SmartMix. Set your planting date, acres, goals, and other farming aspects to see which varieties would work best for you. This program makes its easy to see what would be best suited to your situation and help you keep costs within budget. We'd be happy to take a look at your mix with you prior to ordering to make any changes or answer any questions!

Learn more about cover crops and how they can benefit your operation at Green Cover Seed's blog. Click the link above to go there now!